The Erlinda’s Wish program continues to provide valuable training for Facilities housekeeping employees and recently added a writing project to the curriculum. The Erlinda’s Wish program, which began in the spring of 2012, was created through the strong desire of staff member Erlinda Castillo to develop her computer skills. In the spring of 2013, the English as a Second Language (ESL) program was integrated with the computer training. Erlinda’s simple wish to learn computers has expanded into a program that has taught over 100 housekeepers computer and English language skills.
This year the Erlinda’s Wish students embraced the opportunity to participate in the San Antonio Writing Project. The housekeeping team wrote amazing personal and heart-warming stories, showcasing their computer, language, and recently acquired writing skills. In addition to penning their stories, each made a presentation of their stories to classmates and the stories have been printed and bound for them to share with family and friends. Congratulations to the housekeeping staff for their exemplary dedication and perseverance towards self-improvement!