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Facilities Establishes a Facilities Service Center

The Office of Facilities has established a Facilities Service Center to consolidate four of its primary customer service areas (Work Control, Customer Service, Communication, and Administration). The goal of this reorganization is to build synergy within Facilities Customer Services and to develop a multi-skilled team that can provide enhanced support to the university community. This consolidation is effective January 9, 2017, with the planned collocation of team members to a new workspace in the future.

The main function of the Facilities Service Center is to process all customer service requests for the Main, Downtown, and Hemisfair campuses. They are also the coordinating liaison between the UTSA Community and all Facilities departments. Other vital functions include publishing construction and maintenance notices, and responding to assist with customer concerns, and inquiries. The Facilities Service Center team will bring together various Facilities customer service providers to consistently, efficiently, and personally assist customers with their facilities management needs.

According to Scott Reuter, Assistant Director of Facilities Customer Services, the Facilities Service Center does more than process service requests through Facilities’ iService Desk. “Our employees communicate with customers on a daily basis, schedule appointments for moves and deliveries, and arrange Facilities support for campus events. They also dispatch Facilities technicians for urgent and emergency work orders that deal with a wide range of issues, to include corrective maintenance, room temperature adjustments, housekeeping, and pest control. The team inputs data into our computerized maintenance management system, administers work order billing, provides reports to Facilities management, and responds to customer inquiries and concerns about a myriad of Facilities issues. They are truly the nerve center of the Facilities organization.”

For additional information concerning this reorganization or the support provided by the Facilities Service Center, please contact Scott Reuter at, or visit our website.