(July 30, 2020) – The Public Health Task Force supports the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as clear plastic barriers, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The university’s Recovery Operations Committee (ROC) has approved criteria for assessing spaces to determine whether or not a barrier is warranted. To request a barrier, please submit a “Protective Barrier” request form through the Facilities iService Desk at http://webtma.utsa.edu:180/home.html.
• Under Work Request (located at the top left portion of the page), please select “Submit a Work Request.”
• Near the bottom of the next page, please select the “Protective Barrier” button and complete the form. After you hit the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form, you will have a link that provides you the ability to include an attachment (if applicable).
• If you need more than one barrier in the same office suite, you can include them on the same work request. If you need barriers in several locations throughout the building or in different buildings, we ask that you submit a separate request for each of those areas. This will help in the assessment process, prevents duplicate requests for the same area, and allows us to identify which areas have barriers.
Upon receipt of the request Facilities staff will assess the area using the criteria approved by the ROC. The following assessment ratings will be used.
• Rating 1 – Protective barrier authorized – High rate of personal interaction and cannot reasonably maintain social distancing (six feet).
• Rating 2 – Protective barrier authorized – Moderate rate of personal interaction and cannot reasonably maintain social distancing (six feet).
• Rating 3 – Does not meet the criteria to have a protective barrier using university resources – Other methods, such as social distancing, can be used to maintain a low risk level without the use of a physical barrier.
Once the assessment is complete, the Facilities Service Center will send the requestor an email with the results. If it is determined that a barrier is warranted (i.e. Rating of 1 or 2), Facilities will schedule the work to be completed at the earliest possible date. If a barrier is not warranted (i.e. Rating of 3), the barrier will not be installed.
• Education and General department’s protective barriers will be paid for by the university and at no cost to the department.
• Auxiliary departments must pay for their protective barriers and are required to approve the Facilities cost estimate and provide a cost center prior to the work being scheduled.
If you have questions about the request form or need additional clarification, please contact the Facilities Service Center at FacilitiesServiceCenter@utsa.edu or (210) 458-4262.