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UPDATE: Unplanned Comfort Cooling Reduction

(March 13, 2025) – The mechanical issues previously affecting comfort cooling at the McAllister Ceramics Building (MCB), Tobin Building (TOB) and Urschel Administration Building (UAB) at the Southwest Campus have been repaired and comfort cooling has been restored to all buildings.

For more information, contact the Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.


(March 10, 2025) – Due to mechanical issues, an unplanned comfort cooling reduction has occurred at the McAllister Ceramics Building (MCB), Tobin Building (TOB) and Urschel Administration Building (UAB) at the Southwest Campus.

Facilities is working to correct the issue. Until repairs are complete, occupants in the affected buildings may experience higher than normal temperatures.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.

Planned Restroom Closures

(March 7, 2025) – During spring break, Facilities will replace soap dispensers in restrooms, break rooms and designated lab spaces across all campuses. Work will begin on Monday, March 10 and will continue through Monday, March 17.

During this time, restrooms will be closed for less than one hour while the dispensers are replaced.

For more information, contact the Facilities Service Center at 210-458-4262.