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Planned Heating Reduction – BSB

(Oct. 29, 2024) – A planned heating reduction affecting the Biosciences Building (BSB) is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31. This reduction in heating is necessary in order to perform required maintenance on the building’s heating equipment.

While the work is being performed building residents may experience slightly colder temperatures as comfort heating will be reduced.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.

Unplanned Water Outage – DBB

(Oct. 25, 2024) – Due to a SAWS water main break, an unplanned domestic water outage has occurred at the Durango Building (DBB). During the outage, drinking water and water in restrooms will unavailable until SAWS completes repairs.

Crews are currently working to correct the issue and expect to have the building’s water fully restored this evening between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.

Unplanned Power Issue – Multiple Locations

(Oct. 25, 2024) – Due to an issue with a main transmission line, areas around San Antonio, including all UTSA campuses, are encountering brief power outages. Depending the severity, these outages can impact our networks and building systems.

UTS, Security Services and Facilities are actively monitoring and responding to these issues as CPS and ERCOT seek to resolve the underlying problem.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.

UPDATE #2: Planned Generator Testing – SP1

(Oct. 24, 2024) – The planned generator test at the San Pedro I (SP1) building has been rescheduled for 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 25. This testing is necessary for Facilities to measure and test the building’s emergency power and will take approximately one hour to complete.

During the testing building occupants may experience momentary blinks in the building’s non-critical equipment and lighting. Additionally, short power outages in rooms not associated with data centers are possible during testing.

Occupants should save any computer work prior to the test, power down their computers and make provisions on equipment connected to power system such as key boxes. Critical equipment will remain unaffected by the testing.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.


(Oct. 24, 2024) – A planned generator test at the San Pedro I (SP1) building is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24. This testing is necessary for Facilities to measure and test the building’s emergency power and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

During the testing building occupants may experience momentary blinks in the building’s non-critical equipment and lighting. Additionally, short power outages in rooms not associated with data centers are possible during testing.

Occupants should save any computer work prior to the test and make provisions on equipment connected to power system such as key boxes. Critical equipment will remain unaffected by the testing.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.


(Oct. 23, 2024) – A planned generator test at the San Pedro I (SP1) building is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24. This testing is necessary for Facilities to measure and test the building’s emergency power.

During the testing building occupants may experience momentary blinks in the building’s non-critical equipment and lighting. Critical equipment will remain unaffected by the testing.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.

Unplanned Water Outage – UAB & NEG

(Oct. 17, 2024) – Due to an underground water line break, an unplanned water outage has occurred at the Urschel Administration Building (UAB) and Negley Building (NEG) at the Southwest Campus. During the outage water will unavailable throughout the entire UAB as well as in NEG’s restrooms until the line has been repaired.

Facilities is currently working to correct the issue and expects to have the buildings’ water fully restored by 5pm today.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.

Planned Tree Trimming – Main Campus – Multiple Areas

(Oct. 10, 2024) – Planned tree trimming around the Main Campus is scheduled for 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 12. Trimming is scheduled to take place around Guadalupe Hall, the Sombrilla and the bus loop near the North Paseo Building (NPB). This work is necessary in order to remove dead tree limbs and aesthetically improve the campus.

While the work is taking place areas around the trimming sites will be temporarily blocked off for safety.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.

Planned Steam Outage – BSE

(Oct. 9, 2024) – A planned steam outage for the Biotechnology Sciences and Engineering Building (BSE) is scheduled for 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 14. This outage is necessary for Facilities to conduct repairs on the building’s steam system.

During the outage, building residents may notice a drop in water temperature, which will  affect the use of autoclaves and cage washers in laboratories.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.

UPDATE: Planned Comfort Cooling Reduction – CC

(Oct. 11, 2024) – The planned reduction in comfort cooling affecting the Convocation Center (CC) has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Oct. 15 through Friday, Oct. 18 due to delays associated with Hurricane Milton. The reduction in comfort cooling is necessary for Facilities to perform repairs on the building’s cooling equipment.

During the outage building occupants may experience slightly elevated temperatures due to reduced cooling capacity.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.


(Oct. 8, 2024) – A planned reduction in comfort cooling affecting the Convocation Center (CC) is scheduled from Thursday, Oct. 10 to Friday, Oct. 11. This reduction is necessary for Facilities to perform repairs on the building’s cooling equipment.

During the outage building occupants may experience slightly elevated temperatures due to reduced cooling capacity.

For more information, contact Facilities Service Center at (210) 458-4262.